We Love Homemade

We would like to start by saying thank you and extending our utmost gratitude that you are even here reading this! Thank you! This is a little strange but we would love to cozy up in our home with a bunch of things that are constant reminders of our friends and family!
We love you guys!

Their are all kinds of household items that we need, and remember, we love homemade! Alas, there are somethings that are hard to make with your own two hands. (kitchenaid mixer, Whatever it is we will cherish it!

Homemade things might include:
Anything crafted from wood, especially: cutting board, salad bowl, Salad utensils.
Ceramics: serving platters, serving bowls etc.

OR what ever else you can come up with! These homemade things don't nessasarily have to be made by you, do you have a favorite local artist?

We decided against registering at the big stores, just check out the list and go find some bargains! It is just not our style to ask people to buy something from Tiffany's when they might find something just as serviceable at the local antique shop! But don't worry we refuse to snub any gift no matter it's origin; be it, your sewing machine or big old Costco.

Gift certificate (Cost plus World Market, Target, Etc) or Money always works if all this seems too crazy.

Here's what we need:

Kitchen Stuff
Baking Pans
Cookie sheet
measuring cups (living in my Sister Aleesha's kitchen has made me want all the sweet stuff for my kitchen. It makes you want to cook because then cooking is so easy! Doing the dishes is still the same old thing.)
measuring spoons
antique mixing bowls (those neat blue ones)
Serving platters (antique, vintage? feel like regifting?)
Nice knife
Pots and pans (cast-iron or nice whatever)
cassarole dish
hand-held mixer
Sweet tablecloth etc

Living Room
A sweet modern/retro looking leather couch and chair (I realize that is a little far-reaching, but this is a wish list right?)

Bathroom and Bed Stuff
Nice set of towels in white
Nice sheets Queen sized (ahhh 500 thread-count)

OKAY. Thanx for looking, that was awesome of you.
Jessica and Manimou and Rosaline